Recently, I was troubleshooting a VCD 10.4 installation with three cells which experienced very slow response times during operations such as Power on/off a VM.
Looking throw the log files soon revealed messages such as:
ERROR | ActiveMQ BrokerService[] Task-15 | TransportConnector | Could not accept connection from tcp://:47990 : Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown
To resolve this issue, we’ve checked if the certificate is expired by running the following command on one of the cells:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool jms-certificates --status
The following part of the command result shows, that all of the 3 cells didn’t had a valid certificate:
To generate new certificates, we’ve run the command:
/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/cell-management-tool jms-certificates --certgen --force
Afterwards, we restarted all cells:
service vmware-vcd restart
This fixed the issue in this environment.