Month: August 2023

Orchestrator workflows fails when invoked from Aria Automation Service Broker

Lately, I was developing an Extensibility Subscription workflow in Orchestrator, which queries the Aria Automation CMX REST API.
While it was perfectly running when being executed manually within Orchestrator, it fails when invoked from Aria Automation Service Broker as part of an Extensibility subscription (here Kubernetes Supervisor Namespace Post Provision).
The resulting error message was:

Catalog Item Deployment NS Test failed for Supervisor Namespace: Extensibility error for topic [10040] SubscriberID: vro-gateway-elsAsEMn7yjjbAGz, RunnableID: 587ed41a-a51b-4cdc-a10d-7c705a57db39 and SubscriptionID: sub_1695305241572 failed with the following error: Workflow run [fd626a0a-0386-4778-b2ad-8e7ffd5f5e9f] completed with error [Error in worker: HTTP error 500 - {"timestamp":"2023-08-20T16:26:45.991+0000","path":"/cmx/api/resources/supervisor-namespaces","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"No orgId in token for vro-gateway-elsAsEMn7yjjbAGz","requestId":"f7763022-202212","@type":"java.lang.IllegalStateException"} (Dynamic Script Module name : executeRestCall#11) (Workflow:Kubernetes Supervisor Namespace Post Provision / Control WF (item4)#5)]

Deploy a Tanzu supervisor namespace in Cloud Assembler

This post describes how to add Tanzu supervisor clusters with Aria Automation Cloud Assembler for use in deployments and how to create namespaces in a supervisor cluster using a Cloud Template.

Supervisor clusters are customised Kubernetes clusters associated with vSphere. They expose Kubernetes APIs to end users, and they use ESXI as a platform for worker nodes rather than Linux. Supervisor namespaces facilitate access control to Kubernetes resources, because it is typically easier to apply policies to namespaces than to individual virtual machines. We can create multiple namespaces for each supervisor cluster.

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