There are two options to customize Aria Automation start page:
- Common title, and landing page title and content
- Image
To change the title and content text, we login the Aria Auto VA using the root account.
Then we navigate into the folder /opt/tarballs/landing-ui/assets/i18n, where a couple of language files are stored in JSON format, e.g. en.json.
Simply adjust the content of these files as required and save each file.
To change the image on the landing page, we again login the Aria Auto VA using the root account.
Then we navigate into the folder /opt/tarballs/landing-ui/assets/img, where the landing page image is stored in SVG format. You can upload your own SVG file here, it must be called welcome-intro-01.svg and saved with file system permissions of 664.
Both actions must be performed on all nodes in a cluster. No restart of any service is required.
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